Friday, February 10, 2012

Employer's who make Millions and Employee's who feel entitled to circumvent your system and work.

I had and employee, years ago who is dead now...I thought he was one of the best, he came in early, did a great job, was very detailed.  This was all what was perceived to the eye.  What I learned was the reason he was coming in early was he was building his own business using my agents lists, my paper/letter folder, my copy machines, my supplies and paper and most of all my postage machine to try and start a vitamin business.  He was an alcoholic and strung out on Meth.  Meth Mouth.

It was not my personality to fire and have security walk them out of the building but his one was.  If you have employees who want to come in early, over the weekends or stay late with little to no supervision, there is usually a reason, and the reason is usually at your expense.

We had a surveillance system and the manager was so smitten with this little girl that she would allow her to get away with long lunches, coming in late, all sorts of perks while this woman lusted after this little 19 year old, the supervisor was married.  Work place affairs are very common, fire them, if they will cheat on their spouse they will cheat on you with money, time and valuable business information.

Again, I remind you to drug test your employees, over the years I cannot tell you the number of young employees calling in sick.  I thought ok, I have done this now for 22 years and I am here every day, these people are ill at least one day a week.  They typically are alcoholics or pot heads or worse.  I had one employee as she pulled into the parking lot one morning, the police stopped her and smelled pot, they brought in the drug dogs and took her to jail.  She was fired immediately, she was also a pretty little girl and a favorite of the supervisor as well.
If you notice your supervisor leaving for lunch every day, look them in the eyes when they get back, then call for a drug test.  You will be shocked.
These are some of my lessons for keeping your millions, yours and not losing some dollars to worthless trash who you might trust, might like as a person, but truth always comes out, trash always goes to the dump.
Always check up on any and all reporting by an outside CPA and outside people.

NEVER allow anyone to buy loyalty to them with your money.  You will be amazed at how many think you have so much money it's ok to steal for themselves, they feel a sense of entitlement.

Million's of dollar in income is not that big of a deal in today's world.  We have homes, cars, business', revenue and many employees, you will have many bloody noses, but as with the fighting Irish you will win in the end! 
karma is real, a thief will have true karma.  Stealing is like a curse, they will die a miserable person, old, ugly, lonely, sad and pathetic.  It is sad to see such desperation in the face of pure ignorance on how to make money in some of these people. 
All you can ever really offer someone is an opportunity!  All that person can do is prove or disprove your good will.
Idea's are a dime a dozen, unless you put on to work.
Never confuse motion for action.
This might make me sound harsh, but i will never hire another homosexual.  From my experience of theft and loss, deviousness, hiding or being a raving homo that is an embarrassment to be around and listen to.  My experience with homosexual employees has not been a good one, so fool me once.
I had one employee drive a company car around a high water sign and destroy the motor in a brand new company car, he was high.
I had another employee total out another brand new company car.  Then had the nerve to say that "I", Larry, was to stingy to allow him to drive another one of my "7" cars!" 
Keep your millions...Make your million's....
Just because a company has an office and officers, it can be ran by dishonest people.  Frankly, I believe some salaried employees who we entrepreneurs deal with are very jealous of the money we make.  I watch every move they make.
If you see a character flaw, it runs deep.  Don't think you can fix it, move on and make your million's and keep your millions.
There is not redistribution.  Do you ever think someone is going to give you anything?  NEVER....Work is the only solution.  Smart work, hard work and smart work.

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