Saturday, March 15, 2014

Follow Larry McClendon at NIA with Top Product Offerings and Top Commissions

Do you have a very confused, upset and/or premium sticker shock with your client base?  We all do...learn how to overcome this issue with health plan options. Larry McClendon, NIA CEO, has worked in the Dallas insurance industry for 20+ years to find solutions to this major issue! TV and radio advertisements are decieving on premiums and coverage type, we all know that. Never in history has the need for an experienced agent been in such high demand in the Dallas insurance market. 

Few can afford the Obama prices, so be year round indemnity health ready.  We will launch an all new product offering from a 121 year old health carrier next week! Americans need your advice and expertise during this health care crisis.  Private insurance is still the most affordable and most popular way for Americans to be secure in their health!  Work with the leader, National Insurance Agency, with two decades of success and experience.

We Advance commission daily on all product lines.  A couple thousand dollars a day keeps the blues and bills away!  Visit for solutions today.

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