The MGA who focuses on the success of the agent and agencies, while many of its competitors focus on phone rooms and phone banks making high volume, low persistancy sales, NIA and Larry McClendon are clearly focused on innovative tools to increase the agents success and agents staing power in the embattled industry with ObamaCare.
Most American's do not know that all health sales agents took over a 60% commission cut last July due to Mr. Obama's new law, this crippled many health agents while he crafted the buld of ObamaCare not to take affect until after the election.
Very, very sneaky and so NIA has been a pioneer and very outspoken on trying to keep the income and jobs for it's agents and agencies in the face of this administration who's goal seems to destroy private health care and privte health insurance.
NIA remains a leader in the market place replacing many products with supplemental products and keeping its agents and agencies at the top of the income charts for production and sales income despite Obama.